Shah Rukh Khan who was in Dubai, flew down specially to launch the 7-Star Multiplex Experience of INOX Leisure, along with the Director of INOX, Mr. Siddharth Jain and CEO Mr. Alok Tandon.
The new 9-screen multiplex, designed for genuine film connoisseurs is experienced and approved by King Khan.
Equipped with laser projection, which has 300% enhanced picture quality (the first one’s in the country brought in by INOX), IMAX screen, explosive Dolby ATMOS sound, stunning life-like 4K resolution and Volfoni Smartcrystal solution for the brightest 3D projection.
Shah Rukh Khan, Baadshah of Bollywood flanked by Mr. Siddharth Jain, Director of INOM and Mr. Alok Tandon, CEO of INOX at the launch of the brand new INOX at R City |
“This place radiates extravagance. After experiencing this 7-star cinema marvel, I can truly say that cinema viewing has reached a new level, both in terms of technology and luxury. I wish INOX at R-City the very best, and give its audience a heads up to get spoilt, by its 7 star services. Live the Movie!” said Shah Rukh Khan on his experience at INOX.
The new 9-screen multiplex, designed for genuine film connoisseurs is experienced and approved by King Khan.
Equipped with laser projection, which has 300% enhanced picture quality (the first one’s in the country brought in by INOX), IMAX screen, explosive Dolby ATMOS sound, stunning life-like 4K resolution and Volfoni Smartcrystal solution for the brightest 3D projection.